!-- Start of StatCounter Code --> The Sunday School children always remember to spend some time praying. They have especially learnt to pray at their bedside before going to sleep. When they pray they always like to ask God to bless their Mum and Dad, their brothers and sisters and, indeed, any other family and friends that are dear to them. Of course they NEVER forget to ask God to bless themselves too and keep them safe as they sleep.
The children have even spent time writing their own prayers and the vicar has created some prayer cards for St. Hilary's upon which some of these prayers have been placed.
See how they did below.................with special mention to Robert Alexander (for the wrong reasons!) and Amelia! (for all the right reasons!)
Oh dear.................Robert Alexander
seems to have disappeared in a day dream! The vicar had asked him to write a "Morning Prayer" one Sunday after he brought his football into church yet AGAIN for the morning family service! Robert Alexander began really well as you can see but he has now decided he needs a little break! Next |
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Amelia, on the other
hand, is a very industrious and hard working young lady. She also prides
herself on her very good hand writing! The vicar had asked her to write a
"Thanksgiving" prayer.
As you will have probably gathered, Amelia had NO trouble thinking of things to thank God for! She insisted on having a proper pencil to write with too! |
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loves her teddy bear, Big Ted, so she always likes to remember him when she
prays too. She prays that she will never forget to take him home when he
comes with her to church. She would be so lost without him in bed beside
her at night. He always makes her feel safe and secure.
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Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed by thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth As it is in heaven Give us this day Our daily bread And forgive us Our trespasses As we forgive those Who trespass against us And lead us not In to temptation But deliver us From evil For thine is the kingdom The power And the glory For ever and ever AMEN |
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This site is dedicated to Hilary Doreen Davies who departed this life 26 November 2003 aged 71 after 23 years of chronic illness with strokes, cancer and arthritis. St Hilary's Church is our tribute to a brave lady who was mother to Sarah, Catherine, the late Rachel, the late John and wife to the late Owen Williams Davies.