I, the Reverend Gyes Ponsenby Smyth welcome you all to this our memorial service in particular memory of Hilary Doreen Davies who died on 26th November 2003. Hilary was the mother of Sarah who, together with Andrew her husband, are my dear friends who were instrumental in my arriving in England and becoming vicar of St Hilary's.
We hope that anyone who wishes to remember a dear one that they have lost will also find comfort and spiritual blessing by joining us here in our memorial service for Hilary. Please feel able to sign our Book of Remembrance, including loved ones you would like us to remember too.
Hilary particularly loved to listen to Mozart's Requiem. Indeed this was the very first piece of music she sang when she and Sarah (who was only 14 at the time!) joined the Coventry Philharmonic Choir.
We therefore begin with an opening piece of music by Mozart which you can download and listen to as you prepare to join our service.
Musical Interlude -
Adagio in C for Glass Harmonica Next |
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Opening ScripturePraise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In
his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an
inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for
you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of
the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
1Peter 1 v3-5 |
The Prayers |
We join together to say the following prayers: The Lord's Prayer Our FatherWho art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth As it is in heaven. Give us this day Our daily bread And forgive us Our trespasses As we forgive those Who trespass Against us And lead us not Into temptation But deliver us From evil. For thine is the kingdom The power and the glory For ever and ever AMEN. |
We now listen to some more music during which you are all invited to reflect on the memory of those loved ones that you have also lost and see no longer.
Batsford Arboretum enjoyed a glorious Autumnal glow in October 2003 (below), shortly before Hilary died. We are sure she would have enjoyed our visit as much as we did:-)
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14 v1-3.
God has
shown his love for us in many ways but none greater than by sending his
Son Jesus to be our Saviour.
Because he
was human and loved those around him Jesus suffered in the same ways we
suffer during our lifetime.
He really can relate to how we feel.
God, through Jesus, has suffered what we suffer.
So he comforts us when we need his healing, love and forgiveness.
“I know what you are like!
But I will heal you, lead you, and give you comfort until those who
are mourning start singing my praises.
No matter where you are, I, the Lord, will heal you and give you
What wonderful words of
comfort! Here God is telling
us that although we are mourning we have hope.
We have the sure hope that he will heal us, lead us and comfort us
no matter where we are.
“My friends, we want you to
understand how it will be for those followers who have already died. Then you won’t grieve over them and be like people who
haven’t got any hope. We
believe that Jesus died and was raised to life.
We also believe that when God brings Jesus back again, he will
bring with him all who had faith in Jesus before they died.”
(1Thessalonians 4:13-14)
We are
called to suffer as Christians who are willing to stand up for what we
believe. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1, “the more I suffer the more I
experience comfort through Christ”. The particular emphasis here is on the
experience of comfort in the midst of suffering, not being comforted by
being removed from suffering.
As Christians, we have learned to rely on Christ and not ourselves.
This doesn’t mean we won’t
grieve because we miss the person who has died.
But it does mean that we can be happy even in our grieving and give
comfort to others who have recently suffered any loss.
We must also remember that we should not allow others to make us
feel guilty about what we did or didn’t do while we shared our life with
the ones we have lost. God
knows what we did and he is far kinder to us than we are to ourselves.
Since God
has shown us his love and comfort, he wants us to love and comfort others
who grieve through the death of someone they loved, because of a lost job,
when they are separated from friends and family by moving away or because
of an argument, and also through the trauma of divorce.
People need encouragement.
People need the Lord. People need to know the comfort of God.
Since God has comforted us, we
can bring this comfort to others even while we still grieve.
The result of all that God does
is praise. Praise for being
ready to help in every situation.
Remember in your life that all praise goes to God, our Creator, Saviour
and Comforter, for he has done everything for us!
November 15, 2004
I will lift up mine eyes unto
the hills:
From whence cometh my help.
My help cometh even from the Lord:
Who hath made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:
And he that keepeth thee will not sleep
Behold, he that keepeth Israel:
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord himself is thy keeper:
The Lord is thy defence upon thy right hand;
So that the sun shall not burn thee by day:
Neither the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil:
Yea, it is even he that shall keep thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in:
From this time forth for evermore.
Thank you for sharing this act of memorial and remembrance for Hilary. We now invite you to Sign the Book of Remembrance (add the name/s of your loved one/s and anything else you wish to mention in the "comments" box) if you wish to remember a particular loved one you have lost.
The Sunday School children, Rita, Homer and even our resident wildlife wish you all well as you leave this act of remembrance. Thank you for sharing it with us:-)
Please note: we do not accept link exchange email requests made purely to enhance ratings on Google. Only sites that are both relevant and loved by us will be considered.
This site is dedicated to Hilary Doreen Davies who departed this life 26 November 2003 aged 71 after 23 years of chronic illness with strokes, cancer and arthritis. St Hilary's Church is our tribute to a brave lady who was mother to Sarah, Catherine, the late Rachel, the late John and wife to the late Owen Williams Davies.