The children just HAD to say a big YES to Esther when she asked them for some help making up the new 2010 calendars and Christmas greetings cards which are to be sold in St. Hilary's in the run up to Christmas in order to help raise more money to add to the church funds. See how everything unfolded below..............
Esther has brought a good selection of photos that have been taken
during the church year in St. Hilary's because she wants a little help
choosing some suitable ones to go in to the church's 2010 calendar.
Ambrose is checking this one is a photo of Rev Ken last March on Mothering Sunday when he was trying to supervise Emily and Phoebe as they were putting daffodils into bunches to be given out to the ladies in the congregation and their mothers. Next |
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The calendars have now been printed out but
they need to be put together.
Esther has brought all the sheets along. However we can see that at least one of the cover sheets has fallen on to the floor! Sepp is having fun of course seeing what is going on as she perches on the table. Eric, the father of Ernest, is visiting his son and wife because he is so lonely at home now his dear wife, Elsie, has died. He is enjoying the fun of watching the children put the calendars together. Prisiclla Jane has her glue stick at the ready.......she NEEDS the month of September now.........and both Adele and Tom are trying ot help. However only ONE of them is correct! If you have already downloaded our 2010 calendar you will quickly see that Adele is right. She is holding the photo that was taken at Harvest when the seagulls visited the church and enjoyed a spot of lunch courtesy of Homer's left over fish and chips. Next |
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Ambrose is busy pulling off the old notice
on the display unit. He has, however, printed out a new one to
advertise the Christmas cards which have now been printed alongside the
Adele is proudly holding the new notice until Ambrose is able to take it off her and stick it on the display unit. Ernest and Esme enjoy supervising proceedings as always........ Oh dear............can you see that those calendars are almost completely hidden..........HOW can the congregation see them like that? If they can't see them how can they want to buy them? Lets hope that the children notice soon and remedy the situation. Next |
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Esther has brought the newly printed out
Christmas cards to church. However again she needs some help!
It looks like Eric, Sepp, Esme AND Ernest are keen to help too......................Eric is very curious and is peering over in order to see the picture on the card better. Prisiclla Jane is matching up the cards with envelopes whilst Emily, Amelia and Robert Alexander are............ Next |
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.....folding the cards so that they
can also be used as a notelet too if people so choose. Eric is really enjoying his time here isn't he? He just loves to look at these new Christmas cards. Ernest is pleased to see his father is happy to be with them. Georgie is such a good girl. She is just happy to sit at her master's feet! Next |
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Esther is busy
supervising the children and making sure that they don't make any
Oh dear though.......WHO keeps dropping the cards on the floor? Lets hope that Esme and Ernest notice and help pick them up. Next |
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children have now finished folding the cards and matching them to
Ben and Adele are helping now to stack them tidily in to the display unit. They will put them in the front compartment so that they are the first cards the congregation and visitors will see. Can you see that the calendars can be seen properly? Well done Ben and Adele for noticing and re-arranging them so that everyone can see how lovely they are. Lets hope that they all sell this year! Top |
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This site is dedicated to Hilary Doreen Davies who departed this life 26 November 2003 aged 71 after 23 years of chronic illness with strokes, cancer and arthritis. St Hilary's Church is our tribute to a brave lady who was mother to Sarah, Catherine, the late Rachel, the late John and wife to the late Owen Williams Davies.