Welcome to St Hilary's!
my late mother, also named Hilary, (spelt the male way) was equally
unerring in her faith as her namesake saint, even through terrible pain and long
chronic illness, we feel that naming this lovely realistic miniature church St
Hilary's is a very fitting tribute to a brave lady. Hilary saw this church
for the very first and last time at the end of August 2003 before we had receipt
of the furniture from Sharon and Mark Stockton. We will never forget the
admiration and love she had for it even though she didn't have the strength to
see it close up.
We have added considerably to the original "children" (ie:
Emily, Benedict, Thomas, Clara and Amelia) who were part of my mother's Jane
Davies' porcelain doll collection. The children originally all had pride
of place in the family Welsh Cabinet in her downstairs hallway and were amongst
the first collector's items visitors would see on arrival in her house.
Visit our
Who's Who page and find out more about all of St. Hilary's
characters, wildlife and pets!
The last words in tribute to both this website and my mother
needs to go to Jane Davies, who grew to know my mother very well as she would
arrive at her stall faithfully at almost EVERY
show at the Birmingham NEC in order to choose a new doll for her Welsh cabinet
"To me it is the perfect way to remember your mother of whom
I was very fond. She was the only person other than my grandmother who
combined so well a down-to-earth view of this world with such a clear view of
Indeed, as Jane too observed, Mum really DID have the faith of
St. Hilary of Poitiers. We like to think that she is enjoying this church
even as she is in heaven.
The Reverend Gyles
Ponsenby-Smyth, St. Hilary's
vicar, and Rev Ken,
his curate, welcomes you all to St Hilary's and hopes you enjoy your visit.
Read the vicar's letter to you all.

Above/right: Esther inspects her floral
arrangements she has made for Pentecost. Grace is hiding her face
because there is something she is finding rather scary......visit our new
Pentecost page and find out why!
- Visit our Pentecost
page and find out how the children help in the preparations for
Pentecost Sunday morning. Things do become rather scary too and
Grace is VERY frightened.............visit and find out why!
- On our Downloads
we have given you a new general card to download which features a
photo of Rev Ken and Esther beating the bounds of the parish at
Rogationtide. There is also a large selection of other general and
special occasion greetings cards as well as two versions of our 2010
Calendar. St. Hilary's Year Book 2009 is fully available
in all parts!
- Visit our
Easter Day page
and find out how the preparations went this year. Esme, one of our
resident ducks, walks down memory lane and fancies living one of her
favourite experiences in a rather eccentric way.............
- Visit our Palm Sunday
page and see how clever Grace is when
she takes part in her very first Palm Sunday procession in St. Hilary's!
Visit our
Mothering Sunday
page and find out what happened this year. The children are given a
special treat by Miss Enid...................and it involves high tea!
A modern day parable in St. Hilary's.........yes
really.........visit The
Parable of the Lost Teaspoon and find out more........and
it involves poor Miss Enid and a mishap on the part of Sepp, Homer's pet
- Read my
blog on
St. Hilary's and find out what is on my mind when it comes to all things
St. Hils.....I even share with you all my failures and problems and more
recently..........my website problems too......
- Tom, Adele and Ben
have some exciting news for you all.............Esther their Sunday
School took them to a wonderful
Show! Visit and find out what kind of show it
was....................and why poor Esther became MOST frustrated with
her charges!
Visit our
Church Year page to find ALL the stories over the last year
listed on one page.................
- Visit our
Parish Records page.........find out more about the
history of St. Hilary's as the vicar takes a trip down memory lane!
Visit our Prayer
Time page and find out how some of
our Sunday School children did as the vicar encouraged them to write
their own prayers. See them hard at work..........or not! Download
these St. Hilary's Church prayer cards with prayers and Bible verses on
for personal use. Have a quiet time with some personal prayer too if
you so wish,
Sunday School teachers and church youth workers will find lesson plans on our
page. These have been especially created for us by our friend, Lorna F
Webb, who is a fully trained primary school teacher. Lorna belongs to
the Lutheran church. Her lesson plans are non-denominational and,
therefore, can be adapted to suit the church or organisation using
them. They are free for non-commercial use only.
Try out our
search facility
if you are having problems finding the page you want on our site!
Please join with us
in an act of remembrance for Hilary Davies on our
Memorial Service page. Hilary passed away on 26th November
2003. We have produced a little act of remembrance for her with the children
playing their instruments in her memory. Remember and reflect too on those
loved ones that you too may have lost.
Please visit
our many other pages which you will find on the top drop down menu. This
is a new venture for us so please don't be shy if you find any problems with
this new drop down menu (ie missing pages, links that go nowhere
etc.) and email me as below. Many thanks to
Stu Nicholls for this drop down menu! Thanks also have to go to
Rob Orland for helping me enable our Internet Explorer 6 visitors to see our new
drop down menu too. DO visit his website on
Historic Coventry and see some
wonderful pictures of REAL churches and more..
If, for any reason, you cannot see the drop
down options on our top menu please visit our Site
Map which lists ALL of our current pages........
Thanks to
Vic Newey for putting this Dollshouse
Direct village church kit together for us, modifying it and most of all,
for adding his own personal decoration to it.
Emily, Clara, Benedict, Thomas and
Amelia were all originally bought by Hilary so they really ARE St Hilary's
children. We wanted them to live in a church dedicated to the lady who had
owned and loved them so much.......