St. Hilary's Miniature Church Advent Calendar 2009

Sunday 13th December 2009

Phoebe is helping Esther here by rocking her daughter, Rachel Ann, to sleep.  As she is rocking her to sleep she is singing today's carol  to baby Rachel Ann which she and Clara, sitting next to her here, have chosen for the calendar.  Even Esme and Ernest, the local Mallard ducks, have come to listen to Pheobe as she has such a lovely voice! 

 See below which carol the girls have chosen...................a firm old traditional favourite never to be missed at Christmas!


(Words: anon.)

way in a manger,
No crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head

The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay

The cattle are lowing
The poor Baby wakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying He makes

I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side,
'Til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray

Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to heaven
To live with Thee there